Our history
Our work in the community over the decades

Almost a million dollars has been raised and distributed to organisations and charities supported by the Club during these years including:
Health and Medical
- Children's Hospital at Westme
- Sydney Children's Hospital Network
- Concord Hospital
- Balmain Hospital
- the Australian Rotary Health and Research Foundation
- Abbotsford Sea Scouts
- Dobroyd Aquatic Club
- Handital
- Sailability
- Rose Gallagher Centre
- Rivendell Youth Mental Health Program
- the Lucas Gardens School (Five Dock)

- the Red Shield Appeal
- Clean up Australia Day and many other activities
Rotary Youth Programs
The Club has supported all Rotary Youth programs and developed strong ties with our local schools. It has hosted many inbound and outbound exchange students. It has been involved in local school fetes, the local scouts groups.
Many members have served on District Committees and others have served on offshore working teams. The club helped send two containers of goods to a mental health facility in Fiji.
In the area of Vocational Service the club has hosted annual Pride of Workmanship Award nights enabling local businesses to give special recognition to employees.
Time keepers
Many will recognise the ‘Five Dock Rotary Clock’ as a central feature of the suburb’s main shopping strip. It was donated by our club in 2005 to commemorate the centenary of Rotary International and its global contribution toward the eradication of the polio.
Twice a year two of our diligent members change the time, marking the coming and going of ‘daylight savings’.